Living Economies Educational Trust's purpose is to promote learning about currencies, and systems of exchange, that foster community well-being and strengthen regional economies. We are a registered charitable trust (CC38114).

Our full objectives are:

  • To foster education about economic principles, systems, models and methods, in particular as these relate to the promotion of community well-being, social development and environmental sustainability.
  • To undertake, promote and disseminate research activities and findings in relation to such principles, systems, models and methods.
  • To enhance community welfare and the relief of poverty through promotion of knowledge and understanding concerning stable and sustainable mechanisms of exchange.
  • To carry on any other charitable object consistent with and capable of being carried on in connection with the above objects or any of them.

Our current work includes speaking tours and educational workshops (often at the invitation of specific community groups), providing resources (for example, through our online store), and providing information to support local inititaives. We also look for other opportunities (such as media opportunities) to provide educational information, and in 2017 we hosted a Living Economies Expo in Lyttleton (Christchurch) with a range of national and international speakers on community-led responses to interlinked financial, social, and environmental challenges. We are in the process of making video and other materials from that conference available online.

Our volunteers welcome inquiries from community groups and individuals seeking to start or develop local initiatives. This type of direct educational outreach is central to our mission.

Living Economies Educational Trust (LE) promotes exchange systems and investment models that build community strength and well-being, offer interest-free alternatives to 'business as usual', and respect both people and our living planet. Our network of volunteers can recommend resources and provide educational support for community initiatives. LE (CC 38114) is a registered educational charity, and we do not provide financial or legal advice.

© 2018 Living Economies